Go The Distance
December 2022
2022 has been a really interesting year: having to wrestle with unfamiliar work challenges and learning to push through them. I've probably struggled 30 to 40% of the time at the start. There were better days, and then there were those days that send you in a spiral; I had the "Imposter Syndrome" - afraid one day I will be exposed that I'm struggling or if I'm not good enough for the role. But I just hold on day after day.
If you are still reading up to this point, I've made it through the year. And I want to encourage you:
It’s okay, and you’re probably not alone. You’re probably doing good actually, despite what you think. Measure yourself by the gains you have made, from the place that you have started. Be proud of it, and own it. Keep going. Don't ever doubt yourself by measuring the gap between where you are currently and where you "should" be. The breakthrough will eventually come as we chip away day by day.
No transformation carries an unbreakable upward trajectory—we are bound to stumble, to momentarily regress to old habits, to move a few steps back before taking a life-changing leap forward, or to experience moments when we simply need a break. The best way to be prepared for the long journey is to move through the ups and downs with self-acceptance.
As 2022 comes to a close, this year has taught me a lot on discipline and simply trusting the process. From weekly Sunday guitar practices, putting in gruelling hours to train for marathon, dedicating time to study for PMP exam, simple acts of obedience and dedication eventually became a self-sustaining routine and system. Yield your heart and time, trust in the preparation, let the transformation takes it flow.
Speaking from a sports background, I firmly believe that we simply no rights to complain about bad results if we never put in the training or effort. However, when we put in the effort and training, we can be proud of ourselves for going the distance / for going toe to toe with whatever challenges we set for ourselves. Even if we do fail at the end, we can stand proud for having gone the distance.
“It’s not what we do that makes us who we are. It’s what we don’t do that defines us.”