Perfect Track
March 2021
New things this week
1) Visiting the railway station 🚂- not really the first time but the last time i went the railway track was closed off for renovation.
2) Watched Zack Synder's cut of Justice League. Really well done. The multiverse seems better and promising here (compared to Marvel). The downside, I think they portrayed Darkseid to be relatively weak, they should have made him near invincible. Also, I’m thinking what a r/s would be like when the significant other is with the family. I spend a lot of time (weekends) over at my sister's and with the extended, either watching movies or playing boardgames. Will be cute and an interesting dynamic in the future.
3) Ford versus Ferrari is a good show. Love Ken Miles in that show. 🏎
Love some of these quotes from the show:
The Perfect Lap
Ken Miles: If you’re going to push a piece of machinery to the limit, and expect it to hold together, you have to have some sense of where that limit is. Look out there. Out there is the perfect lap. No mistakes. Every gear change, every corner. Perfect. You see it?
Peter Miles: I think so.
Ken Miles: Most people can’t. Most people don’t even know it’s out there, but it is. It’s there.
Because you’re not like them
“Why? Because they can’t help it. Because they just want to please their boss. Who wants to please his boss, who wants to please his boss. And they hate themselves for it, but deep down, who they hate even more, are guys like you. Because you’re not like them, because you don’t think like them, because you’re different.”
1) Thoughts about Work and People
Love the place where I am currently working at and especially the people. The people, first, I love that they are relatable and human. Love their energy and most are generally very good human beings. What I don't like the culture recently (I think) could perhaps be attributed to recent management changes which result in multiple initiatives (we seems to be overstretched at this stage).
Below is my articulation/assessment of the situation after severals weeks of seeing recurring themes at work:
(A) Everyone needs to do more in their day-job (BAU) - let's get x% growth, and new initiatives in their own workspace.
(B) But at the same time, there’s a couple of new tasks / special projects. These special projects started off as things that are manageable, but later, they gravitated to things which demanded more attention and energy.
I sense the organization is stretched thin as we are fighting on multiple fronts. How do we prioritise as we are being roped into various items where all of them require careful dedication. I personally need thinking space for any huge work that I am embarking on, and also appreciate some form of breathing room/balance (we have all put in extra hours in 2020 and 2021 seems to demanding more at this stage).
While we pursue some objectives, we also keep in mind to grow the greatest assets as well: the people.
2) Thoughts on Gym
(A) Convenience is key for me. The lesser the inertia, the better things will work out. Taking a page out of James Clear’s “Atomic Habits” - I just simply need to put on my running shoes (literally).
(B) Grass is greener where you water it. Perhaps people who left F45 and joined other gyms might leave those other gyms too, once the initial fad is over, or they get bored of the routine, or when the extra traveling becomes a hassle.
(C) Lastly, fitness to me means 60-70% personal effort/discipline. The remaining 30-40% push comes from coaches/friends/good music. Ultimately, the progress depends on how much effort you put in. Sure, the environment and community will help, but you still got to put in the work.
3) Thoughts on SIA
Because i’ve been asked a few times what my thoughts are, so here goes:
(A) Is this something you want to own in your portfolio?(B) Is this a company you want to hold onto for a long time?
(C) Yes, share price has gone up recently, due to vaccines and talks of air bubbles. Hence the recent interest in SIA. Let's disregard the market price for a minute, what would you think a fair price should be? (And then apply margin of safety, say 15-20%, then perhaps that should be your entry price)
(D) Lastly, on recent issued convertible bonds, they might dilute the shares and say they convert at $5.7x when vested. At point of writing (11 Mar), the price is $5.3x, hence, any upside i feel is potentially capped at $5.7x. I dont think SIA will trade above $5.7x in a while (hence the convertible price of $5.7x).
(E) SIA broke the $5.7x mark, then went down to $5.5x today.
(F) Maybe fair price should be $4.60 (80% x $5.70 - safety margin and coincidentally the price sometime in Feb before all the vaccines and air bubble news created the price movement). Really got to know the company well and have trust/faith things will recover. Takes a lot of skill/experience and judgement to do so.
(G) Anyway, hope travel industry will open/recover sooner than the 5 years, and come back strongly as well. Hope to travel soon
1) Monday break with Y, G, C. Went on a railway hike.
2) Seems like less friends at gym! 🥺 anyway, time to bring back the hype game
3) Came across this ig @nicolettelovesyou who has uploaded episodes of her F45 training, love her energy and candid moments and very entertaining to watch. She’s like a ball of energy.